Search for an Object

Level  II: 15
Level III: 15


  Handler shows dog the little wood
-15 -15

Commands by voice and gesture
-2 -2

  Additional send commands
-15 -15

  Object not brought back or not within 1 minute
-15 -15

Dog/handler starts before Judge’s signal
-4 -4

Dog starts after Judge’s signal but before command
-2 -2

Dog chews the object
-1 -1

Dog drops the object during the return, each time
-1 -1

Dog drops wood in front of handler and handler has to pick it up
-2 & -1 GA -2 & -1 GA

Object is retrieved but the dog is not sitting when the handler takes the object.
-1 -1

  Dog leaves his place before the return of the handler. (more than radius of 2m)
-15 -15

Dog moves within a radius of 2 m, each m
-1 -1

  Dog selects the wrong object
-15 -15

  Handler moves as dog returns
-15 -15

  Handler has to move his/her feet to get the object
-15 -15

  Handler puts his/her hand in his/her pocket before he/she gets to the place where he/she drops the object or he/she shows the object to the dog.
-15 -15

  Handler places wood with his/her back NOT to the dog
-15 -15

  Handler manipulates the object in a way that is not allowed or gives it an additional scent
-15 -15


Time allowed for the exercise: 1 minute.
The object must be a small, unused piece of wood, numbered, 15 cm long and 2 cm in diameter. (for the dogs that have a large mouth) It will be chosen by the handler from several identical pieces, all numbered. At the time of presentation at the Judge’s table, the handler takes the wood and can hold it in his/her hands for a maximum of 5 seconds.
Then the handler puts it into his /her empty pocket without any other manipulation or exposure to additional scent and without showing it to his dog, and informs the judge of its number. All the handlers must carry the wood for the same time period. Identical, unnumbered objects are to be placed n ear that of the wood of the competitor. The object must be placed with the handler’s back to the dog and without showing it to the dog. It is forbidden to put one’s hand in one’s pocket until the handler places the wood with his back to the dog. During this exercise, the object used as thrown object must be out of the reach of the dog. The wood must be reasonably accessible. No distraction is permitted during this exercise. Like with the retrieve, no other objects should be within 5 m unless part of the theme décor.
Unnumbered “distraction” pieces of wood, picked up by another dog, must be exchanged, and “distraction” pieces of wood are put into a plate at the end of exercise to avoid being handled too much.


– Each handler puts his dog in a spot indicated by the Deputy Judge. The handler will then place the object, in view of the dog, 30 meters away in a fictitious square, 1 m x 1 m. The handler will place the little wood with his back to the dog.
– While the handler returns to his dog, other identical pieces of wood (non-numbered) are placed nearby the first one (min. 25 cm) inside the square. There are 3 objects for Level II and 4 for Level III.
– At the Judge’s signal the handler sends his dog in search of the object with the command “search and bring”. A single command given by voice is allowed. The handler is allowed to let the dog sniff his hands before he gives the command, to make the dog understand the nature of the exercise.
– The handler moves after the dog has left: no penalty
– The handler moves upon return of dog: this is considered as irregular command -15.
– The handler cannot move his/her feet as long as he/she has not the object in his/her hands.
– Dog that brings 2 woods (1 good, 1 other) will get points earned (deduction for the possible faults committed) minus a GA for the second wood.
– The handler will give the returned object to the Deputy Judge, for verification by the Judge

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